Capacity Building Workshop: Advanced Knowledge On Financial Structures In Match-Funding and Citizen Finance Schemes – 25 Feb 2022
- 21 February 2022
This Capacity Building Workshop is specifically aimed at public authorities that may already have an interest in match funding and citizen financing schemes for energy efficiency. The discussion will be based on detailed research into setting up public private partnerships combining crowdfunding with public and private funds to create impact on achieving energy efficiency.

Following a short introduction of relevant tools and funding opportunities, we will explore practical aspects of match-funding and co-financing schemes. Based on four cases of relevant implementation in four EU member states, we can deduct lessons learned and give guidance to authorities and crowdfunding platforms as to the potential impact and hurdles of creating citizen finance schemes.
- Date: 25 February 2022
- Time: 10.00-13.00
- Location: online
The workshop is presented as part of the CitizEE project work under Horizon 2020 and will showcase examples and experience from setting up citizen financing schemes with private and public funding across Europe and would like to discuss and evaluate its experience with relevant stakeholders.
10.00-10.15 Welcome and intro to CitizEE – Sonja Wilhelm, WIP
10.15- 11.00 Introduction to Citizen Finance Schemes – Oliver Gajda, EUROCROWD
11.00-11.15 Discussion
11.15-11.30 Market assessment and requirements – Jean-François Marchand, Energinvest
11.30-12.30 Lessons Learnt from across Europe
• Luís Couto, GoParity, Portugal: implementation to foster the investment in community used infrastructure)
• Barbara De Kezel, VEB, Belgium: co-finance a large-scale public investment program on school’s energy efficiency upgrades
• Tijana Šimek, REGEA, Croatia: fostering citizen investments in PV systems
• Asta Gladkauskiene, VIPA, Lithuania: finance Energy Efficiency projects and Renewable Energy projects
12.30-13.00 Discussion and questions´
13.00 END
CitizEE is a European funded project aimed at supporting European public authorities to scale up investments for energy efficiency in the building sector through attracting citizen private investments. Find our more at