Evaluation and Action Plan for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency
Citizen Financing EFSI Financing Investment Platforms - 15 December 2020
In this report, the four CitizEE pilot projects (Portugal, Belgium, Croatia and Lithuania) evaluated the appropriateness of using certain Structured Financial Solutions versus others. In doing so, they were guided by the document "Map of Structured Financial Solutions for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency", which was developed within the CitizEE project to support the selection of Eligible Public Financing Instruments.

Map of Structured Financial Solutions for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency:
Under the Citizee project, Energinvest has developed a guidance document aiming at helping CitizEE Pilot Regions to select a suitable Public Financing Instrument (PFI) to be set-up to support the development of their Financing Scheme for Energy Efficient Buildings. (For further information please see also Map of Structured Financial Solutions for CFs4EE Financing Scheme to be found under https://www.citizee.eu/results/).
Using this guidance document, the CitizEE Pilot Regions were invited to fill-in a respective template to evaluate and select on appropriate financing solutions. The structure and content of the template includes several key steps, which should be followed when evaluating and selecting the Structured Financial Solutions that could best meet the needs of the four Pilot Cases.
Key steps to take when evaluating and selecting eligible Structured Financial Solutions:
The following figure presents the four main steps, CitizEE Pilot Regions were asked to apply when evaluation and selecting eligible Structured Financial Solutions:

Following the four main steps, all CitizEE Pilot Regions were able to evaluate and select eligible Structured Financial Solutions. As the evaluation and selection of suitable Structured Financing Solutions highly depend on the local context, the type of buildings, targeted final recipients and the type of implementation model and the Citizen funding options, the chosen options differ between the four Pilot Regions.
The comprehensive outcomes of the evaluation and selection of suitable Structured Financing Solutions can be found in the related report.
The report is available for free download here.