
Report on legal and regulatory recommendations on European level – Designing an enabling framework to foster citizen financing for energy efficiency and renewables on EU level in line with the EU Green Deal

This report looks at the relevant legal framework at the European level to identify where opportunities lie that should be exploited, but also what difficulties exist to ensure the development of investment platforms in the CitizEE pilot regions and the success of the CitizEE project. Read More

Report on legal and regulatory recommendations for the target countries – Designing an enabling framework to foster citizen financing for energy efficiency and renewables on national level in line with the EU Green Deal

This report looks at the relevant legal framework in each of the pilot regions to identify where opportunities lie that should be exploited, but also what difficulties exist to ensure the development of investment platforms in the CitizEE pilot regions and the success of the CitizEE project. Read More

Report on exploitation events

In order to increase the knowledge, find potential partners for the projects where citizens’ finance might be employed in energy efficiency projects, a series of training workshops and webinars were envisaged to be held. Facilitation of face to face workshops turned out to be difficult during the Covid pandemic. Read More

Exploration and Sustainability Plan

This sustainability plan is about actions partners and actors involved in CitizEE will undertake to further capitalize on project results, lessons learnt, and the level of branding achieved by April 2022. To realistically understand the opportunities for CitizEE to have a long term impact we need to realistically match… Read More


This report aims to report the progress of CitizEE Pilot Countries/Regions against the implementation of the Action Plan to operationalize the Citizen Investment Platforms in their region/country. The report is therefore based on the Master Action Plan to set-up and run Citizen Investment Platform. Read More

CFs4EE Financing Schemes follow up report (Update 2)

The main objective of this report is to provide a final update on the implementation of the CFs4EE financing scheme in the four different pilot countries/regions. Along with the description of the planned and revised schemes, the report includes a section on next steps and commitments as well as… Read More

Report on capacity building activities (update 1)

This report on capacity building activities provides an overview of the CITIZEE Capacity Building activities. The activities consist in training workshops and webinars. Overall, 3 capacity building workshops were conducted, bringing together experts from the EU regions/municipalities/cities representations and clusters or networks and other stakeholders interested in implementing CFs4EE… Read More